Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Missing Chunk of June.

Salam again.

Just took a look at my blog and realised a huge chunk of June is missing. Having my finals now so not really thinking about updating anything.

I feel let down by myself for not being able to remember much of the past 2 weeks apart from having sleepless nights and sleep deprived days. And those sleepless nights usually having lots of caffeine running through my veins.

But I'm having fun though, cooking and being cooked for, sports and jogging in the evenings, watching football games at night and having long exhausting sessions with medical books.

My messy study table as of right now.

Past year papers for tomorrow's subject, Histology.

Bukak BB pictures baru sedar, holy cow! Pergi bbq for batch program hari tu.

Tauke ayam Ammar Afi

Tauke ayam Fikri @ Kubang

Hodogs @ Garam Kuttas
Untuk malam OSCAR (One Step Closer To Allah and Rasulullah). Fun night. Caught up with a bunch of people, loads of food and a marriage announcement. But the main point of the night were the talks given. Asking ourselves again, who Allah and Rasulullah are and where they lie in our hearts. 

Tell me that you're alright, 
Yeah everything is alright. 
Oh please tell me that you're alright, 
Yeah everything is alright.

Back to the books.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012



22 tahun hidup, dosa dibahu menggunung,

yang lepas biar lepas, kisah silam tak nak diulang,

sakit memang sakit, tapi esok hari baru,

hidup terus hidup, hanya Allah yang tau,

dan bila Dia panggil, aku hanya boleh seru.


My Lord, forgive me for my sins, love me, have mercy on me, raise me among your servants, grant me sustenance, give me guidance, bless me with good health and forgive me.

Getting healthy!
Futsal Intrabatch Champions!

Jogging with the neighbours.

Study time!