Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Things Have Changed


Things HAVE changed. What I'm specifically talking about is how a lot of people have stopped writing. Apart from the usual 3 people who still do, most of the bloggers who posted at least twice a week aren't at it anymore. I know for a fact that a few have stopped all together, while a few others moved to tumblr (for the fact that it's easier and simpler. All you have to do is post pictures, I think.)

It's sad that back in my first and second years here, I'd at least have a few blogs to read to pass my time. Nowadays, even one post it hard to come by.


As for me, I'm only starting to write again. I've been told by my mum to write at least once a week. She actually wants me to write a journal and maybe make a story out of it. Make a life documentary of a Malaysian student living in Egypt, something "Ketika Cinta Bertasbih"-esque. And when I'm done studying in Egypt, I'll look back at it and realize how much I'll miss that life. I think it's because she's experienced living life as a student overseas, having studied and lived in the States for a good 5 years but never got to writing about it as it was happening.

I don't know if any of this will ever be worth of being compiled in a book. Heck, I don't even plan on it. All I do is write like a 14 year old who's not content with life and rants nonsensically and at random about anything and everything he can get his thoughts on.

Damn it, writing about thoughts again. Must stop!

Okay then, last week. Had exams, ate a whole bunch of food.

Malaysian PB!

God damn, Munya, god damn.

Loser makan salad


Pizza Queen/King?

Watched Spiderman the reboot which was good in my honest opinion. They actually stuck to Spiderman's actual abilities in the comics where he fought with agility and used his webbings mostly instead of fist fights in the Toby Maguire trilogy. And also the quick, witty talking also stuck to the comics. And Emma Stone was hot. (Syrrul, bukan you, ok, bukan you)

The Amazing Emma Stone

And in other news, Egypt is in political dipshit. The Constitutional Court Judges a month ago announced the recent Parliamentary elections were unconstitutional and declared 1/3 of the results void, to which the Egyptians got pissed at and started protesting in Tahrir. That declaration was then overturned by President Morsy when he declared it was valid, to which the Court then overturned when they declared that President Morsy's declaration to be void, which pissed the Egyptians off, again, and they went to protesting in Tahrir, again. You get me?

This dude is back!

On a side note, my living room smells like something died there, a few weeks ago. I've searched high and low but can't find jack. It's annoying. That is all. 

A night in my mind,
I've got a plan,
I'm gonna find out just how boring I am,
And have a good time.

Solat, tido.

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